Wednesday, June 20, 2012

R.I.P Benji

Here's a Video of My Parakeets

Video of My Keets

English Budgies


Awwww look, they're feeding each other

Here's a Parakeet

What a yawn!

Top 10 Interesting Parakeet Facts

1) Parakeets are colorful, small, slender, long-tailed parrots.
2) They are usually bred in Australia.
3) The majority of parakeets are either green, blue or yellow.
4) Parakeets have two toes that face forward and two toes that face backward.
5) The word parakeet means "long tail".
6) The collective name for a group is a flock, company or chatter.
7) Parakeets are omnivores, they eat mainly insects, fruit, seeds, leaves, plants, grass and ferns.
8) Parakeets change feathers every year.
9) Parakeets poop and pee at the same time.
10) If a parakeet throws up at you, it means that he/she considers you a family member and is trying to feed you.


1) Q: How can you tell the gender? A: Look at the color of their cere. Male: blue or purplish-blue in normal varieties-bright violet or pink( doesn't change after youth) in recessive pied, lutino/albino, dark-eyed clear, lacewing, and fallow.  Female: white/light-blue, tan or brown.
2) Q: Can you teach them to talk? A: Yes, but it is very difficult and it is best to start when the bird is young.
3) Q: How long do they live? A: Normally they live 8-10 years if cared for well. Sometimes they can live to 15 years, and in rare occurences, over 20 years. A parakeet on a seed-only diet will probably live 4-5 years at the most.
4) Q: How can I clean my parakeet? A: Try using a spray bottle to give them a "shower".
5) Q: Should I cover my parakeet's cage at night? A: It is a good idea to do so because it can help them sleep, if they get night fright, try using a light sheet or keeping a corner of the cover lifted while using a night light.

Parakeets Summary

Parakeets are very popular house pets. They are a reletive of the parrot. They can be very rambunctious. They are trainable. They have very colorful personalities. Parakeets can get quite loud at times also. They are extremely interesting creatures.

Author Info

Dani Windau was born 9/26/95 (age 17). She lives in Wisconsin. Dani has a love for birds. She loves spending time with her parakeets. She works very hard to train them. Dani has had success in training multiple birds.